Greetings TADW parents: Here is the text of today's TADW parent newsletter, which was distributed by email. Your child will receive a hard copy to bring home today.
Communication - Please let us know how things are going. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Beth at (818)677-2725 or email her at
Parent/Guardian Advisory Committee - Our next meeting will be this Friday, July 16, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in room 103. We hope you can attend.
Missing Classes and Rehearsals - Too many students have missed classes or rehearsals due to various appointments. Please do not schedule ANY appointments until after the TADW program is finished.
Help in Costume Shop - If anyone has free time to help out in the costume shop, please let us know. Assistance is greatly needed and appreciated.
Performances and Tech Rehearsals – Shows are nearly ready and everything is coming together beautifully Make sure you are clear about the times your child needs to be here. When we have 11am shows, we still have classes starting at 8:15am on the weekdays.
Invitational - The Invitational or Preview show for Alice will be Thursday, July 22 at 6PM. This is a change from the original schedule. This show is only for current and past TADW participants. Be sure to ask your child about the non TADW sponsored
"After Invitational Get Together". We would tell you about it, but since it isn't sponsored by TADW, we aren't suppose to know that it is held at Sizzler. Parents sit at one side of the restaurant and the TADW participants at the other. It is fun for everyone!
Publicity for TADW - A great way to ensure ticket sales is to promote TADW. Danielle Fairlee writes a wonderful blog for our website. Direct your friends and family to to read about what is happening at TADW. Danielle has also been busy writing pieces for local community newspapers. Thanks Danielle!!
Buying Tickets - The easiest way to purchase tickets is to go to our website at Tickets can also be purchased at the Associated Students Ticket Office at the University Student Union. Their hours of operation are Monday-Saturday from 10 am - 6 pm. Tickets may be ordered by calling (818)677-2488. Additionally, tickets may be purchased 2 hours before a performance, at the Ticket Office opposite the Little Theater in Nordhoff Hall. A little tip for you and your friends: By the end of the runs, we very often sell out the house. So, consider seeing the show early in the run!
Picking Up and Dropping Off - Remember, Etiwanda Street is not for loading and unloading of passengers. Please use the parking lot for dropping off and picking up your child. Stopping on Etiwanda ties up traffic and is inconsiderate.
Concessions Stand - Donations for the TADW concessions stand have started. Please consider making a run to Costco or Smart and Final!! We could really use more cans of soda. All items must be pre packaged. Remember, you can bring your items when you drop off your children in the morning. One of our staff will be standing in the parking lot to accept your contributions. If you would prefer to make a cash donation for the purchase of snacks or drinks, that’s fine, too. All proceeds from the concessions go to the Parent Advisory Committee scholarship fund.
Ushers - We still need ushers for some of the daytime shows. A sign-up sheet for ushers is available at the Parent Meetings or you can contact Beth at All ushers arrive a half-hour before the show begins, take tickets, pass out programs, and work at the concession stand. A TADW staff member will serve as house manager and be able to answer any questions. All ushers see the show for free.
Parking - If you park on campus, you will need to buy a parking permit at all times. Permit parking on campus is enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Permit dispenser machines are located in Lot B1 and inside parking structure B3. Daily permits are $6 and are available from 7am-9pm, at the kiosks on Prairie (just off Darby). There are weekly passes that can be purchased for $9 a week. This special pass can only be purchased through the Department of Public Safety (DPS) office. The DPS building is on Darby at Prairie.
Ticket Selling - We need everyone’s help to fill up the theatre. We’re asking everyone to sell 25-50 tickets each. Please help your child by letting friends and family know they can buy tickets from you. We have PLENTY of brochures. Come and take a handful. We particulary need to sell tickets during the first week of each show.
Sponsors – Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to sponsor tickets for under privileged youth groups.
DVDs Order Forms - Don't forget to order the DVD of the shows for this year. Each DVD is $25.00.
Stay healthy! - This is the toughest part of the program. The rehearsals are longer and tougher. Remind your kid(s) to eat well and get enough sleep.