Work on this summer's Teenage Drama Workshop really began picking up pace in April with our annual Meet & Greet, where new and returning TADW families and students gathered to say hello to one another and to the TADW faculty and staff.
Program Director Doug Kaback addresses the crowd at TADW's Meet & Greet |
Directors and designers for both shows were able to give attendees some insight into their vision for this summer's productions. Now that our set construction is under way, those visions are becoming a reality! We've been hard at work preparing for the upcoming auditions on Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th. We've also started construction on sets for our two productions, Ronnie Sperling and Chris Halsted's Jack and the Beanstalk, and Disney's Aladdin.
As our future TADW students are finising up the school year, we've been busy tracing...
TADW staff member Courtney |
and painting...
Tina |
and sawing...
Glen |
and welding...
Matt |
and sawing again...
Zach |
and sometimes hiding...
Owen |
all while generally having an awesome time.
Hala and Matt |
We hope you're all as excited as we are about this coming summer. As you can see, the set build has been coming along quite nicely. We've also got some new and fantastic things planned for this summer (to be revealed later).
Stay tuned for coverage of the 2013 Teenage Drama Workshop auditions!